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OCTOBER 23, 2022

"Ambulances for Ukraine from Finland purchased an ambulance for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In the next few days, the car, together with the medicines, will go to the paratroopers of the 25th ODSHBR."


Ambulances for Ukraine (Ambulansseja Ukrainaan ry in Finnish) is a non-profit association whose primary purpose is to acquire used ambulance vehicles in good condition for Ukraine. The vehicles are purchased from the EU area and they are equipped and ready to be used directly for their purpose. The vehicles serve in war-torn areas near the front line. Since these are high-risk areas, they are operated by Ukrainian military trained medical personnel. As far as possible, we also try to deliver as many suitable first aid and medical supplies as possible with the vehicles. 
Ambulances for Ukraine operates on a voluntary basis, and its members are not paid salaries or remuneration. 
The association has a fundraising license RA/2023/765.
You can also become a supporting member of Ambulances for Ukraine. With membership fees, we cover the financing needs of our own operations, which are mainly e.g. monthly costs of communication and financial administration. The membership fee is €30 per year.


Donate using MobilePay on your phone by opening the application and enter the code below.


MobilePay 18846


Lahjoita PayPalilla myös kuukausilahjoituksena

With PayPal you can donate also monthly using your PayPal account or Debit/Credit cards..

Lahjoita pankkisiirrolla ambulanssi Ukrainaan

You can also donate using a bank transfer.

IBAN: FI31 1544 3000 3222 68


Message: Donation

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